Tuesday 24 November 2015

Mens Hair styles

What women want/ how  men should style their hair

Your hair is your beauty for both men and women

I spoke to a male friend of mine (who I presume will read this :)) and he enjoyed my post on
 How women want men to dress

He was asking me for advice on men's looks and one of the main things I love about men.. (other than nice strong hard biceps) is their hair. A lot of guys compliment my hair and I would just think it's a way of them starting conversation but the older I get I realise guys are just as vain as women and notice more than we do, which scares me! 
Guys love it when a girls hair smells and looks nice, when our nails are done and when we wear a figure hugging sexy dress. I think men are secret appreciators for women's fashion and know more than us.

We love it when a guy smells nice ALL THE TIME and have nice hair. Some of us love your stubble too.

Combed back
side parting
cut often 
washed often



  1. Hello
    Thanks to the admin for posting this is really usefull.The right hair cut can mean the difference between hours spent coercing every strand of your wayward hair into place or a style that falls perfectly into place with little prompting on your part.Read more at-Hair cut

  2. Hi
    This blog is awesome, Its full of haircut ideas,i have some thoughts that i would like to share with you guys,a taper haircut is not a scissors-only haircut, but, rather, a taper haircut is a hair-clipper haircut or a haircut blend involving scissors and a hair clipper.Find out more at-taper


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