Tuesday 31 December 2013

My mini me and I shopping all day

Change of Mercedes

I've been driving this car for the time being whilst my car is being repaired! At first I hated it, exterior wise but i'm quite impressed with how much space I have whilst driving and that it's Tiptronic ;) 


It doesn't have a gearbox, I was quite worried when I first saw it I was like OMG I should have allowed the person who dropped off the car to show me how it works but lucky I had friends over who were car savvy ;-) 

This is quite intriquing as the gears are on this indicator. My car doesn't have it so i'm thinking of changing my car soon!
My mum prefers this car for me because she hates that I have a 2 seater 'Selfish Car' but I will have a think. I love Mercedes and i'm sure I will get another but not this model it's comfortable but so huge and I can't manage it in car parks!! 

Sunday 22 December 2013

Hot Hair - Burlingtons Hair salon







He can do weave!!!
My Hairdresser Josh, is fantastic at doing my hair. I have never known someone to be excellent at colour/extensions and styling??!!
I never get weave, I've gone from bonding, micro-rings and Keratin bonds. Every hairdresser questions why I wear extensions as I have long hair already, but I like extra length and body (22 inches) and I love the glamorous look I feel weird when I don't have extensions in. 
Lately i've been fed up of micro- rings dropping out, and when I was in the Big Brother house, they got me a hair stylist for the final, who suggested weave and since then i've been loving the weave! #NoWorries







Sporting the bad chick look

J'adore Clarins

Oh my gosh, I was talked into this Clarins double serum product by a beauty consultant and I absolutely love it! 
It's normally priced at £55 but there was a promotion that day where they gave a beauty pack filled with a cute white make-up bag, 

- Double Serum,  I will not stop using this until I come across something better it's just amazing and my skin looks so fresh and smooth. The beauty consultant also mentioned that they sold 100,000 of this in one month when it first came out! It speaks for itself!! 

- Beauty Flash Radiance balm,  which ca be used as a Make- up primer or facemask, it's just amazing! I didn't think there was anything better than the 'YSL Flash Radiance' until I used this. 

- Exfloiator which is fantastic but i've only 
used it twice because I've got so many others I still need to use! 
All of this was only £55 

Above is my new favourite skin regime, along with the Clarins, I tried L'oreal skin perfection cleansing oil! Considering how cheap it is, it cleared my skin completely, it took a month to work after coming out of the BB house, ( it might have been the product, or the joys of not being in that environment!) It works better than the majority of expensive face washes I've used.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Great foods - 5 a day

The adults in my family all eat so well and are all incredibly healthy. Once in a while I like to indulge with a naughty treat and nope, I will never give that up! However, I truly believe in eating healthy. Especially sticking to a 5 day!

Fruit and vegetables help set you up for a healthier lifestyle. Best of all, there is so much variety to choose from.
To get the best health benefits, your 5 A DAY portions should include a combination of a variety of fruit and vegetables. That's 5 portions altogether, not 5 portions of fruit and 5 portions of veg.
Here are 5 great reasons to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables A DAY
  • They're packed with vitamins and minerals.
  • They can help you to maintain a healthy weight.
  • They're an excellent source of fibre and antioxidants.
  • They help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
  • They taste delicious and there's so much variety to choose from

Below are some ideas, for maintaining an upkeep of your 5 a day ;)

A lamb and vegetable kebab 

Up to 2 portions
Kebabs are a super barbecue option - you can add mushrooms, peppers and onions. Don't forget corn cobs can be finished on the barbecue too. Add a bowl of salad and you've chalked up an extra portion.
(This is absolutely amazing, but since I have tried to cut out red meat I replace it with Chicken.)

Avocado & chilli salad An avocado, prosciutto and tomato salad 

Up to 3 portions
Half an avocado counts as one portion. Add two large tomatoes and a handful of salad leaves and you're three portions ahead!

Seven cup muesliCereal topped with Fruit

1 portion
A simple way to get an extra portion a day: slice a piece of fruit on top of that morning cereal.

ApricotsA mini packet of raisins 

Love it!!!
1 portion
Around ½ to 1 tablespoon of currants, raisins or two dried apricots or prunes is the equivalent of one portion.

Breakfats smoothieA smoothie (with whole fruits is best)

Smoothies are a combination of good taste and a healthy joy
Up to 2 portions
A smoothie counts as at least one portion - often two or more. But how can you tell? Go for those with lots of information on the label. Smoothies made from whole fruits are best, as they contain fibre.

Blueberry milkshakes7. A home-made blueberry milkshake 

I am not too keen on milkshakes as I were when I was a lot younger, however a healthy a real milkshake makes the experience so much different.
2 portions
Home-made shakes help pile up the portions. However, takeaway shakes made without real fruit don't count. As 80g of blueberries equals one portion, it should be easy to make a two-portion shake. The vegetables have to add up to 80g to count as a portion, so you'll need one large tomato and a generous helping of cucumber to make up the weight.

Chicken stir fryChicken and vegetable stir fry 

My Favourite!!!!
2-3 portions
It's easy to get two or even three portions of vegetables into a stir fry, so go for a wide and colourful selection - red and green peppers, onion, broccoli, bean sprouts, sweet potatoes and so on.

GazpachoNew Covent Garden Soup

2-3 portions
It varies between flavours, but their Fresh Gazpacho contains 256g of tomatoes, 74g of cucumber and 74g of red pepper - half a carton is a two to three-portion lunch or supper.

CherriesTwo handfuls of cherries, Raspberries or grapes

I Love having a portion a day!!
It Make's a change from an apple a day: always make the most of whatever fresh fruit is in season.

Strawberries in lime syrupA small punnet of strawberries 

1 portion
Wimbledon wouldn't be Wimbledon without strawberries. Try topping with crème fraiche or Greek yogurt.

Fruit and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that help to protect skin from the cellular damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are caused by smoking, pollution and sunlight and can cause wrinkling and age spots. Eat a rainbow of colourful fruit and vegetables and aim for at least five portions a day. Beta-carotene, found in pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes.
Papaya and spinach are potent antioxidants, important for normal skin cell development and healthy skin tone.

Friday 6 December 2013

My Calendar!!!

Finally! My 2014 Calendar is out and NOW AVAILABLE ;) 

This is one of my favourite shots from the Calendar ;)

Project nightclub





          It was my friend Portia's Birthday which she had at Project nightclub ;)



                                       I found this hilarious! The Journo who wrote this is so funny!