Tuesday 7 July 2015

Lets talk HAIR

This is my real hair - as you can see it's naturally very curly! I had started weaving my hair for the past two years and my hair grew so long!
My family have always been against hair extensions and especially the weave method! As a child, I always wanted hair extensions and begged my mother to let me wear extensions for my prom aged 16! She finally allowed me and I've been addicted to extensions from then! I started off with glued wefts, but it would pull out my hair and my hair would be sticky and yucky whilst washing it. 
I tried weave but it was too itchy and I felt trapped so had it taken out 3 days later! If I had known it would grow my hair so long I would have forced myself to get used to it! 3 years ago I tried the Micro rings, loved them but hated the rings and them sliding down. I tried the Fusion bonds and loved them! However, I had them taken out days before I knew I was going on a TV show so I was hair extensionless! The TV company (BIG Brother) had provided a girl to do my hair which was nice of them as I was in hiding and wasn't allowed to use my extension lady as me going into the house had to be kept a secret! So anyway she did suggest me to having weave which I declined due to my past experience and had micro rings put in which was a complete disaster!!! I hated them, whilst on the show they were falling out constantly I had patches of extensions! Long story but when I came out of the Big Brother house I forced myself to have weave and stick to it for a while! It became so much easier living life without worrying if extensions will slide out of nowhere! Weave is just there for months it doesn't move! I've always heard that plaiting hair makes the hair grow, but I've seen people who plait their hair for a lifetime and it still does not grow! But my mum and all of my aunties have long hair, I think it's genetic! 

So now I'm in love with the method.. My natural hair grew nearly as long as my extensions!! As you can see in the photos.  

My natural hair - photo taken 2015 

Babyliss Rotating Blow dry brush review

This is life!! I don't know what I'd do without it now!! When I'm feeling lazy I run this through my hair and I'm out the door! I straighten my hair less now I use this! Plus I blow dry my hair with it too from wet so it's amazing! Would strongly recommend!
My friends have all bought this rotating blow dry brush since seeing the results on me!
I like things that make life that much easier :)

Below are my most recent pics of my natural hair - Extension free baby!

I'm wearing my hair natural until I get bored of it.. It's nice to have a change and it's a summery look!

                          Morrocan oil flat hair brush and Bristle brush + Moroccan oil

Jose Eber hair wand review 
My mother forced me to get this curling tong in Selfridge's! I normally can't stand people who approach me to buy things in stores but my mummy was insistent so I thought why not accept! 
I'm so glad I let me my mum get it for me!! I would normally use heated hair rollers then a year later my niece wanted to curl my hair with tongs so she tried the Jose Eber tongs on me and they are amazing! No matter what club I go to, how much I sweat! The curls last all day throughout, even up to 48 hours no lie!
I'm thinking of buying everything from their range as soon as I get bored of my GHD'S.

     Virgin Manes hair extensions in colour '27' they also sent free lashes which are fantastic!
                                                      especially the ones on the left.


Pics below are of me with Hair extensions! Soo addictive! 

                                                           Me with a Darker blondish colour

Me with dark brown hair.. I liked it but everyone begged me to go back to blonde and everyone said it  didn't suit me! So after two weeks I got blonde highlights then went lighter and lighter by accident.. Look at me now lol :) 
Funny because when I was 15 this hair dresser had died my hair all blonde and I cried and hated blonde and went home and died it brown.. so weird now only blonde suits me.. tip for you all.. make sure you get the hairdresser to blow dry a part of your hair to check the colour because with it wet the colour can be deceiving. 

                                                                    I had Micro Rings in

                                                          Inlove with this hair colour

                   Weave and colour done by Josh at the Burlington hair salon in Oxford Circus.

 My beautiful niece recently decided to go Ombre! It suits her so much!! I had to snap chat it    


                                                 I love this! Maybe one day i'll try it!

Now that I'm au natural I want the Brazilian Blow-dry done as my hair gets frizzy on a night out! But apparently a lot of people's hair have fallen out due to this procedure so I'm scared! My mum never allowed me to Relax my hair which I'm thankful for as I would never be able to bleach my hair and I'm lucky straightening my hair straightens it well.

Readers, please advise me if you know of any straightening treatments that I can use that do not have any side effects.


1 comment:

  1. Your natural hair is far more beautiful,looks a hell of a lot more natural and suits you more then the weave which you can tell is not your own hair,know its unfair but because you always wear weave,thought you had really short hair.


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