Friday 10 March 2017

Tonight + Alcohol consumption + boys + VQ

Hi guys, sorry this post is late i've been out celebrating this whole week for my Birthday! And tonight i've been so busy and clearly ended late!

Here is a link of a previous post of bars and clubs I go to often! >> CLICK HERE The hottest clubs in London

However below is somewhere we end up at crazy hours of the morning well after 4am as it's a restaurant/ cafe open 24 hours. It's always fun for me at 'VQ' because each time i've been tipsy or out of it!
Although I've made a rule where I only drink 2 glasses of red wine and in between sparking water or cranberry juice whilst out, as I care far too much about my safety to get too drunk where I don't even remember my night. Life is too precious, it's such a treasure to remember each moment of your life!

I'm tired of seeing pictures and asking myself what happened, paranoid! So this new rule is forever, two glasses of alcohol when i'm in public. It's not a good look for anyone when they're drunk.

TIP OF THE DAY - It's important for people who are aware that they're incapable of handling their drinks to just stop all together or cut down profusely!

There is ALWAYS A QUE in VQ! We call it but Vingt-Quatre is the actual name for it. When you're with cool people, you just walk right in with a table ready for you! So I only really go with cool people at that hour because I hate queuing!

They have a VQ in Bloomsbury, Chelsea and Notting Hll. I have no idea why but I always end up in the one in Chelsea!
Great place to go after a night out clubbing, as it's open early hours of the morning to eat!
When i'm with that special guy it's just as fun of course, but when i'm with my girls there's always hot guys there that beg to pay for your meals, sometime's I would let them pay, but if I have no interest in them I don't allow it as it's pretty unfair for them if you don't like them, but at the same time the cheek of some men is that they buy you a drink or a meal and think they own you! How cheap can these guys be! Even a guy i'm in awe with has to treat me well all the time and still not expect things it's etiquette.


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