Friday 15 November 2013

Aqua Fresh make over

My Aquafresh make over was a lot of fun but rather interesting.

My boyfriend Edwin, obviously comes everywhere with me and I was quite pleased that he got to play a part in this video as he gave his opinion.. and obviously his opinion counts!

At first he was annoyed at the fact that I even went to a make over session! He said "Gina, you don't need a make over your perfect just the way you are! I wouldn't change one thing about you I find this whole thing rude!"
I found it quite hilarious and something to do! I like trying new things and always up for something different. Not to blow my own trumpet, but I am very happy with my dress sense, I know what suits my figure and what looks good but I was intrigued at how a fashion blogger would style me!

I dressed up a lot in the Big Brother house! Constantly in dresses, accessories and shorts.. heels. But that's because I was on National Television and I hate it when people don't make an effort and lounge about looking scruffy! It was bad enough my hair was a mess because of the limited use of electrical hair appliances, and my dodgy patchy tan I had to try and make some sort of an effort!

On a normal day for me I love to wear Jeggings, a cute top and a blazer. Which is what I wore to my Aquafresh make over! I think that they were all shocked even the director who was absolutely lovely to work with! They all assumed I would have my main assets on show and possibly wear something skimpy! So they weren't able to show a before and after photo as I was dressed smart.

As you know, I love being interviewed by Emma Willis she is a pro at what she does and is so sweet natured you feel comfortable.
She was such a darling, I needed natural eyelashes and she popped to her dressing room and gave me a fresh pair of Mac lashes. How many presenters do you meet these days that are so down to earth? 
Fluer who was styling me for the day had good intentions but I was not in love with the dress she chose for me, It may be suit beautifully on someone else but I like my clothes figure hugging and fitted! ( I may as well enjoy my figure whilst I'm young!) The dress is certainly not something that I would ever wear but I absolutely loved the clutch and the shoes which I got to take home ;) .. also loved the minimal make-up look ;)


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