Friday 15 November 2013

Hoops Aid


Hoops aid was great, friends of ours Lance and Simon organized the whole event.
 They wanted to keep the momentum going generated by the Olympics and where a nation was united.  Many opinions were changed about sport and disabilities and barriers broken down at the Paralympics where we watched sport not disability.

Hoops Aid as well as being great entertainment, it demonstrated how sport is accessible whether you are able-bodied or disabled.
The event had celebrities; sporting personalities and professional basketball players past and present from Team GB, the GB Paralympics team, Battle Back soldiers, BBL  and the NBA  coming together to play basketball to raise money for the charity Sports Traider
Lance's son Ellis has just beaten Leukaemia which is the most fantastic news! I cannot tell you how relieved we all are. He really is an inspiration to many!!

Overall, I had a wonderful time at the event, I gave a little speech and introduced Ed on the stage for his performance. He brought his family and of course my family came too. My Mummy, Elena, nieces and still shocked but Shannon boyfriend came and my best friend Chelsea.
 I love having them around ;)
I am so in love with my YSL platforms, I bought them a while back and hadn't had a chance to wear them, so I wore them the weekend of Hoops Aid.
For the event, I matched them with a black blazer and my mums white dress from Fenwick's!

At the hotel, the night before

                                           Two girls were so adorable, they asked me to sign their basketball! First Basketball I've ever signed
                                                                                      awhhh xoxo

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