Thursday 14 November 2013

Eww staying at the Mayfair hotel

Leaving the BB house, all I could think about was room service, great staff and a masseuse.
My main intention was to have a lot of fun and not have to think about anything!

Well, the Mayfair hotel is no Savoy but I had broken up with my boyfriend at that time..  and needed to be surrounded by genuine close friends and partying every night! I had a wonderful time however..

Met with Dan.. off to Selfridges where I finally found the shoes I wanted in my size and colour!!!!

                              Met Regan! Ah absolutely adore Regan he is such a darling xx

Right.. Mayfair. There were too many signs with this hotel only 1 suite available and the Azure suite which is the only one I love was being renovated!!!! So I changed rooms 3 times during my stay!! I will never go back you will see why at the bottom.

Loving my Tresor Paris BLING!

Christian Louboutin shoes I bought for when I went on Bit on The Side

Finally got my pink Gucci shoes they are so hot!

OMG I was running around Harrods trying to find a last minute dress and found this YSL beauty I just couldn't resist! I really should use it more.

These have to be my Favourite boots atm! I am ABSOLUTELY head over heels with my Christian Louboutins!


     AQUA KYOTO - I love this restaurant. Especially on a lovely warm day in London it's gorgeous.

                                          Chicken Teriyaki is one of my favourite dishes!!!

Breakfast @ Mayfair

Now this is the depressing part. I was quite happy and enjoying myself .. actually that's a lie, I was hugely unimpressed with the rooms at the Mayfair, also the service was appalling I was incredibly shocked. To top it all off, I was in the bathroom doing my make-up with Chelsea and guess what lands on my foot...? this huge plank of marble!!
I was screaming to Chelsea what is this? at first I thought a huge bin had fell on my foot but when I looked down the bin was to the far left and I felt this heavy load on my foot. I was in pain and complained. The staff at the Mayfair were useless and have not a clue what they are doing!
I would advise anyone looking for a hotel stay in London to avoid this place!

 How tacky! you would never in a million years find this at the Savoy!!!!!


  1. Wow!Love your fashion style so classy you look lovely in everything, The Mayfair eww !! 'How Tacky' loool ur jokes Gina, Love You


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