Thursday 14 November 2013

OMG what a BB Summer

I have been meaning to update my blog! But I have been incredibly busy since I came out of the Big Brother house, I have been developing my skincare line, filming my reality show, recently moved house! OMG so much!
I even have fans which I find incredibly surreal!! I absolutely adore them all! My fans named themselves #GinasDiamonds ;-)

OMG What a summer!

For those of you, who don't know.. I was recently a contestant on this years Big Brother 2013. It has to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. The tasks were horrendous especially 'Quarantine' where I was left in a room with 6 other housemates for hours then asked to drink blended fermented Herring fish/ Dog food and Sheep's eyeballs mixed together! It was the most disgusting thing I have done! I can still remember the taste even thinking about it! But I did that for my team in order for us to win our shopping budget! which proves how much I changed in the house! 

I managed to surpass plenty of Arduous times in the Big Brother household although the Safe House most certainly changed my whole experience. I found the Safe House/ fake eviction twist absolutely incredible and I am most appreciative to have been a part of it all.

The Queen Bee Gina of Big Brother was indeed the best task! My mother loved when I wrote the housemates fan mail! how hilarious thinking back at lasting nearly 3 months in a house full of strangers from all different walks of life all playing a game! 

From this experience, I have found it most rewarding the amount of respect I have earnt from the public! I am so appreciative that people like me for me, and respect the fact that I kept it 120% real in the house.

Initially, I had no intention of doing Big Brother, but when I was told I would be a housemate I thought it might have been something cool to do for a summer.
I knew I would find it difficult living with strangers and living by rules. However, The day I had to leave I did not want to go I started crying because I knew I would miss my family I'm laughing about it now but I was such a mess!

I was incredibly half hearted about the whole idea. In the end I packed 3 hours before I had to leave so of course I left behind a lot of things I remembered I needed when I was in the BB house.
I'm glad I did it now though.
  For anyone interested in becoming a contestant on Big Brother, I would say confidence is key. You have to believe in yourself, if you don't no one will!
Stay true to yourself and always stick to your instincts about people!
I did, but i'm just a good judge of character ;)

          A trip down memory lane...

Amazing fans!!

Ed performing his naughty song he wrote for me.. Gosh my mother was not happy haha

Entering the house!

What was I doing??!!!

Ewwww Quarantine

Interview at the Final



Fake eviction!

Me at the Final


Finalist baby!!!

The amount of times, I begged BB for a bath and finally made use of it!


Safe House!!!

Best task EVER!!! Queen Bee Gina of Big Brother

Emma and I! She is so adorable xx

My fan made this for me :)



  1. OMD Love it! Gina I'm your biggest fan! I have so much admiration for everything you did In Big brother you were perfect, having to put up with some of those horrible people I could never have done that you are so strong and such a genuinely kind and loving girl you really inspire me you're my role model Well Done you were the winner to me!!


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