Friday 15 November 2013

The Stoptober Challenge

I was quite reluctant at first to do Stoptober as I would normally enjoy a cheeky cigarette or two a day and socially on a night out. But deep down, I hate smoking it smells and it's bad for my health so why carry on knowing negative facts!

I decided to go ahead with the Stoptober challenge whats the worst that could happen!

After completing my 28 day stop smoking challenge, smoking does not even cross my mind! The only person that smokes around me is the BF and he goes to the conservatory to smoke and I cannot stomach the smell. Ed actually asked me if I wanted a cigarette and my niece shouted NOOOO! and chased me round my whole house so the fact that my family would be disappointed in me it's not worth it!
It was bad enough my family watched me for 3 months on Television smoking, My mum screamed the first time I lit a cigarette and was shocked I even knew how to light it haha  
Bye, Bye Benson and hedges ;)

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