Friday 15 November 2013

Teen Queen beauty Pageant

I was asked to support Teen Queen beauty pageant UK which was great, I actually enjoyed myself! The first day was press and I got to meet some of the girls so I brought my niece Shannon! We even got a spray tan by Fake Bake! I only got it on my legs because like I've mentioned before, whilst being in that Big Brother house I gained such a dodgy patchy tan like never before! And this lady said that a spray tan will get rid of it, so I only tried my legs just in case which it surprisingly worked! Shannon just got a spray tan on her face she loved it!

The second day was the Pageant, I handed the winners with their sachet and crown which was great! Anything girly and glam you know I love being apart of! It was a great show and the girls were all so beautiful inside and out which was shocking they were all decent lovely girls.




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